Northview Academy

About Us

Pressly School

Northview Academy is Iredell-Statesville’s alternative/non-traditional school serving students grades K-12.  Northview Academy is centrally located at 625 Carolina Avenue in Statesville, NC, making the location convenient for the entire district.

NVA offers small classrooms, onsite counseling through a partnership with Children’s Hope Alliance, vocational opportunities through a partnership with CATS and other services tailored to the needs of the students.

NVA serves students who have committed board policy violations.  We also serve students that:

  • Have dropped out of school and wish to re-enroll

  • Need extra mental health support

  • Face extraordinary life circumstances that prevent them from attending a traditional school day

  • Need more intense academic and behavioral support   


NVA offers a variety of programs to meet the individual needs of each student.  These programs include Day Treatment, Community, SAVE, Long Term, and OSS.