Northview Academy

Drivers Education

*ISS Online Driver Education Class Schedule*

Registration is now open until 7am on August 23, 2023, for the next driver education online course.  The course runs from August 28 – September 15, 2023.  The course is completed online and is completely asynchronous (students complete at their own pace as long as all work is completed by September 15, 2023, at 11:59 PM).  

To be eligible students must:

-be born on or before 2/28/2009 and be at least in the 9th grade for the 2023-2024 school year. Students who are in 10th-12th grade are also eligible for this course.  

-attend a school in the Iredell Statesville School District or be homeschooled at a residence in the Iredell Statesville Schools District. 

Once the course concludes, students and a parent will have to attend a Paperwork and Payment meeting where students and parents will fill out needed paperwork, meet with an NCDMV examiner, and pay the $65 driver's education fee. Paperwork and Payment meeting dates will be shared at the beginning of the course using the email provided on the registration document. 

When you fill out the registration, please make sure all information is correct and that you read the document shared after submitting your registration form!!!!! 

Please fill out the Driver Education Registration Form by going to one of the following links. Please make sure all information is correct and that you READ the document shared after submitting your registration form.



Paperwork and Payment Dates:

September 16th: Lake Norman High School 9:00 AM -10:45 AM

September 18th: North Iredell High School   4:00-5:45 PM

September 19th: South Iredell High School  4:00- 5:45 PM

September 20th: West Iredell High School  4:00-5:45 PM 

September 23rd: Statesville High School 9:00 AM-10:45 AM

***Statesville High School will also serve as our make-up day.***